
How To Protect A Private Folder

Hi Guys,

M going to give you step by step solution for securing your
folder in 2k/XP/ or maybe in 2k3 i didnt try...

Step 1:

choose the folder you want to protect. [Ex: c:myFolder]

Step 2:

Copy the following text


Step 3:

Right clikc on your folder [Ex: c:myFolder] and then click on rename.

when edit text is highlighted, at the end of the text type . and then

paste the above text. for ex:


Voila whtz
that.. your folder looks like Recycle Bin.. and when you

double clikc on
it it will redirect you to recycle bin.

Step 4:

Reverse Engineering
Press WindowKey R and this will open your Run Window
then type CMD

and press ENTER. after when you are in DOS Shell map to
folder PATH [in

my case -- cd c:] and then type dir/x [*dir/x :: is used
for view

windows98 type dir tree..] and then rename your folder name.


c:>ren myFold~1.{64 myFolder [press Enter]

you successfully done reverse enginnering also::

PS: for more security
check the dont show system and hidden folder.


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